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Weight Loss Surgery – Everything You Need to Know
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Weight Loss Surgery – Everything You Need to Know


You’ve made the decision: you’re going to have weight loss surgery. Congratulations! Not only are you taking a big step toward improving your health, but you’re also investing in yourself, which is never a bad thing. This might be the first time in your life that you’ve looked at yourself and said, “You know what? I’m worth it.”  

But we understand if this decision has also given you some severe anxiety. Having major surgery can be scary, and it’s probably safe to say that there aren’t many people who love hospitals or doctors’ offices. Still, we want to reassure you that undergoing weight loss surgery can be an empowering experience, but there are things you should know before diving into this process.  

Bariatric Surgeries  

Weight loss surgery is a big deal. If you’re considering it, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of being able to eat less and still lose weight quickly. But there are plenty of risks involved with major surgery too and those risks can be severe. So, before you go under the knife for weight loss, here are some things you need to know:  

There are two types of bariatric surgeries: restrictive and malabsorptive (including gastric bypass). In restrictive procedures, your stomach will be reduced in size so that you feel fuller with less food; this may also be accomplished by removing part or all of your small intestine. Malabsorptive surgeries reduce the amount that can fit into your stomach so that fewer calories are absorbed; this process may involve rerouting part or all of your small intestine.  

Both types have their drawbacks but also provide similar benefits when compared to traditional surgical options like lap banding procedures (adjustable gastric bands). People who have had these surgeries tend to lose more than 200 pounds on average over several years following treatment—and their health improves dramatically as well! However, both forms have side effects because they involve changing how nutrients interact with your body chemistry during digestion (the process where food is broken down into smaller pieces so that it can be absorbed through small openings called villi inside each cell).  

Gastric Sleeve Surgery  

Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the latest innovations in weight loss surgery. It is incredibly effective for helping patients lose significant amounts of weight and keep it off for good. In this operation, your stomach is reduced to about the size of a banana, which limits how much food you can take in at once and helps you feel full more quickly than before. This also means that overeating food at once doesn’t feel as comfortable in your stomach! 

The procedure itself only takes around 30 minutes; however, recovery time varies depending on each patient’s health condition but generally ranges between 2-6 weeks before they can return home safely without complications such as infection or internal bleeding – though exceptions exist where someone might be able to go home sooner if their body recovers well enough after surgery (i.e., no blood clots). The cost varies from place to place but averages around $15000 with insurance coverage usually available if needed (check with yours before making any commitments).  

Lap-Band Surgery  

The lap-band procedure is the most common weight loss surgery in the United States. With this procedure, a band is placed around your stomach to restrict food intake and limit absorption of nutrients. The band can be tightened or loosened with a special tool to adjust your weight loss goals over time.  

The laparoscopic procedure involves making small incisions through which surgical instruments are inserted into your body through tubes called trocars (which look like tiny arrows). The surgeon uses these instruments as well as cameras attached to those tubes called endoscopes so he/she can see inside without having any additional incisions made  

Gastric Bypass Surgery  

Gastric bypass surgery is a type of weight loss surgery. It involves the creation of a small pouch at the top of your stomach, which is connected to a middle portion of your small intestine. The pocket holds food that you eat, emptying into the rest of your intestines after a meal so that your body can absorb all nutrients.  

Gastric bypass surgery has been found to improve health outcomes for people who have type 2 diabetes mellitus and morbid obesity. In fact, gastric bypass has been shown to significantly reduce blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 after just one-year post-surgery compared with standard treatments like dieting or medication. In addition, gastric bypass has been shown to lower cholesterol levels by an average amount of 41 mg/dL over five years.   

Life After Bariatric Surgery  

Life after bariatric surgery is hard. You’re probably familiar with the saying, “Nothing in life is free.” Well, that’s especially true for weight loss surgery patients. You will have to work hard and make changes for the rest of your life if you want to maintain a healthy weight or even lose additional pounds.  

The most important thing for you to understand is that this is not an easy process—at least not at first. It can be incredibly frustrating and even demotivating when you don’t see results immediately after having bariatric surgery, but don’t give up! The road may be long and full of challenges along the way, but it will be worth it once you reach your health goals.  

Lifestyle Changes  

You will need to make some lifestyle changes. As noted above, bariatric surgery is a life-changing procedure. You will need to change your eating habits and start exercising regularly as part of your new post-surgery lifestyle. You may also want to find support from others who have had the same procedure or are going through it themselves, such as through online forums and support groups.  


So, there you have it! You’ve taken the first step towards a better life by learning everything you need about weight loss surgery. If you’re still unsure what to do next, our best advice is to talk with a medical professional who can help you determine what option works best for your body type and lifestyle.  

We also encourage you to share some of your thoughts, personal tips, or knowledge about weight loss surgery in the comments.

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