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Reducing Burnout Through Modern Workflows and Technology
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Reducing Burnout Through Modern Workflows and Technology


The healthcare industry has faced many challenges in the last few years. From the implementation of new regulations to rising costs and changing patient expectations, it’s no secret that healthcare organizations are feeling the pressure. With so much on their plates, how do they get through it all? The answer is modern workflows and technology! 

Workflow technology 

Workflow technology is a collection of tools that automate and streamline the process of moving data from one place to another. It’s the foundation of a modern workflow, allowing you to move your data securely and efficiently through your organization. 

Workflow technology helps with automating each step in the process, from requesting an invoice or purchase order (PO), to an approval from multiple different stakeholders who need to approve it before it can be released for payment. 

The result: more time spent on high value tasks like analyzing data and making decisions rather than spending time on mundane tasks like approving POs. 

Mobile technology 

Mobile technology can be used to improve patient care by allowing clinicians to provide better care at the point of care. 

Mobile technology can be used to improve staff productivity by allowing clinicians to spend more time with patients, which improves patient satisfaction and retention. 

Mobile technology can be used to improve efficiency in order for doctors’ offices and hospitals to run more smoothly. 

Mobile technology can be used as a way for doctors’ offices, hospitals and other medical facilities to reduce costs through better management of resources such as software updates, hardware maintenance or repairs and employee training programs without having an impact on quality of service provided (such as wait times). This is especially true if you have multiple locations around town where your customers need access from home; this way they don’t have get up early just so they could go into work before heading back again later! 

EHRs and APIs 

The importance of EHRs and APIs 

EHRs are a great source of data, but they are not the only one. APIs can also be a way to access other sources of data, in order to create workflows that make sense in your environment. In some cases, this could mean using an API from outside your organization or hospital system, such as FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) or IHE-MDD (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise – Medical Device Discovery). If you’re looking for solutions to burnout at scale using modern workflows and technologies, keep reading below! 

Analytics platform 

A data analytics platform can help your healthcare practice in several ways. It can help you reduce burnout, improve patient satisfaction and experience, improve efficiency, and even improve the doctor-patient relationship and doctor-staff relationship. 

A data analytics platform is a software that collects information from multiple sources (both structured and unstructured) and provides insights into how you can run better practices. For example, it will tell you what kind of patients are visiting your clinic more often than others or which ones are more likely to cancel their appointments at the last minute. This information enables you to make decisions about staffing according to those trends so that all your resources are used effectively without waste by anyone involved in treating them (including yourself). 

To create a modern workflow, healthcare organizations should focus on workflows, use mobile technology, leverage APIs and integrate an analytics platform. 

If you’re a healthcare organization and you want to reduce burnout, there are some things you can do to make your workflow more modern. These include: 

Workflow Technology: Workflows allow for efficient and effective task management. They provide clear direction for tasks and can help with collaboration by assigning tasks to different people in the organization. Workflows should also be easily accessible from anywhere so that employees don’t have to waste time finding them when they need them most. 

Mobile Technology: Many employees carry their phones everywhere they go, which makes it easy for them to check their email throughout the day — even when they’re not at work! Unfortunately, this constant access can cause stress because people often feel compelled to respond immediately unless they want their inboxes overflowing with emails later on (and who wants that?). To avoid getting sucked into this vicious cycle of checking email all day long just because it’s right there on our phones’ screens, organizations should prioritize mobile technology by making sure all employees have smartphones so that they’re always connected without having access issues like spotty Wi-Fi or limited bandwidth limits slowing down productivity levels in any way possible. 


By creating a modern workflow and leveraging mobile technology, healthcare organizations can help their staff reduce burnout and create a better patient experience. By integrating an analytics platform into their workflow, healthcare organizations can understand how to improve their processes so they can meet the needs of patients while keeping costs down.  

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned a little bit about the importance of modern workflows and their ability to help reduce burnout in healthcare workers. Let us know in the comments below what your thoughts are on these digital technologies.  

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